‘Star Wars: Visions’ Release Date & Special Look Revealed

I've always thought that the worlds of Star Wars and anime were perfect for one another.  At first I thought that's what Galaxy of Adventures would be, but that didn't quite work out like I had expected.  Now it's really happening and some of the top Japanese anime studios are involved.  If you haven't seen it yet, here's a special look at Star Wars: Visions.

I love how the executive producers from Lucasfilm really talked about the passion of each of these filmmakers and wanting to tap into that passion for these stories.  Who wouldn't want to tell a Star Wars story, right?  Now combine that with the fact that these filmmakers never thought that they would get that chance.  That is a recipe for major motivation and eventual success.

So who's working on these projects?  You saw some of that in the special look, but here is a breakdown of the studios and the names of the projects that they are working on:

Kamikaze Douga - "The Duel"
Geno Studio (Twin Engine) - "Lop and Ochō"
Studio Colorido (Twin Engine) - "Tatooine Rhapsody"
Trigger - "The Twins"
Trigger - "The Elder"
Kinema Citrus - "The Village Bride"
Science Saru - "Akakiri"
Science Saru - "T0-B1"
Production IG - "The Ninth Jedi"

These original anime short films will also explore different genres of storytelling.  So it's still Star Wars, just from different angles and perspectives.  Plus, as a fan, I'm kind of looking for something original and outside the box right now anyway.

The producers that I mentioned before include Lucasfilm’s Jacqui Lopez, James Waugh, Josh Rimes, and Qubic Pictures’ Justin Leach and Kanako Shirasaki.  Now all we have to do is wait until this Fall to see them all.  Star Wars: Visions will release all films in the series on Disney+, September 22nd.  Keep checking back for more coverage, new looks at these films and our reviews.

Photo Credit: Disney+/Lucasfilm