DC To Release ‘Joker: Killer Smile’ Follow-Up Batman One Shot

If you’ve been reading Joker: Killer Smile from DC’s Black Label, you know how incredible it has been. Today, we find out that the story will not end quite yet. DC Comics is set to release Batman: The Smile Killer to follow up on the story.

In this upcoming one shot, “Bruce Wayne grew up watching The Mr. Smiles Show – and the show might have been watching him back! And not only was young Bruce watching, he was listening… listening as Mr. Smiles spoke across the airwaves only to him… Lemire and Sorrentino land one last gut-punch to the mythos of the Batman, turning it on its head in the most devastating trick The Joker has ever devised!”

Jeff Lemire returns to write the story, along with artist Andrea Sorrentino. As you can see, the cover is very similar to the first cover of Joker: Killer Smile, but featuring The Dark Knight himself. This book will be released in Prestige Format, so get ready for top quality. You won’t have to wait long either. Get your hands on this issue on June 23, 2020 at your local comic book shops.

Head to our social media pages to see some interior art! Keep checking back for our review.

Photo Credit: DC Comics